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About Us

At Bright Beginnings we recognize that for young children art is a language, that children express themselves through play, art, music, and storytelling, and that they may instinctively use dramatic play to express feelings of real thoughts and emotions. With the understanding that it is important to create valuable and meaningful experiences for young children to discover their talents, explore their world, and create a strong foundation for learning and success, we looked and found that arts programs & curriculums for young children were lacking and so the idea for Bright Beginnings was formed.


Our program is founded on and guided by a single basic philosophy - that childhood academic success comes more readily when children are prepared with a creative and inquisitive mind. Each week our children are exposed to dance, music, art, theatre, storytelling, and more; our core belief is that within the structure of each art form there is no right or wrong way and that the focus should be on art as a process and not a product. We ask that our parents embrace this philosophy as well and understand that our goal is to provide world citizens with pro-social skills, emotional literacy, and a creative spirit.

Why Choose The Arts

Art is a language
Even as toddlers, children understand how to integrate music & movement. Preschoolers show their delight in music when they dance, and they often use colour to match their moods in order express their ideas and feelings. Puppetry and creative play help children express real thoughts and emotions.

Art helps us understand how the world works
As children make marks and then draw on paper, they figure out how people use symbols to communicate and represent ideas. When they build, they’re learning physics principles, such as balance, stability, and weight. In music they learn rhythm & musicality, and in dance they learn coordination, weight transference, and an awareness of their surroundings.

Art builds lifelong abilities
Skills that people need to lead productive lives are built through regular experiences with the visual and performing arts and these abilities are essential in both childhood and adulthood:

• understanding of cause and effect
• motor control and sensory awareness
• appreciation for beauty and diversity
• reflecting on ideas
• independence
• cooperation and sharing
• ability to make informed choices
• communication through a variety of media
• creative and flexible thinking
• problem solving with materials and people
• awareness of own and others’ interests and skills
• determination to stick with a project until it is complete

Art is about learning & creating, and our focus is for young children to be hands-on learners. As explorers they can:
• glue textured collages with colorful craft materials
• roll and press their fingers into brightly colored modeling compounds
• color with crayons and markers on plain paper
• pile blocks into towers and then gently knock them over to build something else

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