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Our Curriculum

Every day our children participate in multiple artistic activities both in small and large groups. A typical morning or afternoon might look like:


  • Arrival, change to our indoor shoes, organize our belongings & snack 

  • Free play while waiting for our friends to arrive

  • Dance class working on creative movement, ballet, or yoga

  • Drama class with puppets, working on sharing our feelings through stories

  • Handwashing, followed by snack with directed sensory & social time with their friends

  • Circle time with teacher led literature, discussion and sharing our ideas

  • Music class learning about rhythm using castanets, egg shakers, or hand bells

  • Art class working with clay, painting, or models

  • Cleaning up, shoes & coats on, our goodbye song, and pick up by our grown up

Young Ballet Class

Music & Rhythm

Teacher Playing Piano
Children's Storybooks
Kids Drawing

Dance & Yoga

Puppet Show

Drama & Imaginative Play

Visual Arts & Creativity

Stories & Language

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